Thursday, September 30, 2010

I am working up the courage... try online dating but I feel uncomfortable even typing about it. I tried it for one month before and I wasn't successful. I met this nice young man but I have my stupid hang ups (he was 4 years younger and he was only 1-2 inches taller than I am, I know I'm so ...arrrgghh). Maybe it really wasn't meant to be because my phone got fried and I have to get another phone number, lost everyone's number.

But oh my goodness, I don't know what's out there. Part of me does not like the pressure of it. They say " It's just a date (if I can score a date) and it's not like you're marrying this person." That's the thing you see. I just hate the pressure of will-he-like-me, will I make a oaf of myself? As you can see, I am not a well-seasoned and not a serial dater. I'm clueless. My my last sand castle of a relationship has crumbled and been washed out to sea...

Why can't I just meet (single) men without the pressure of an online dating site? Where I don't have to extract some forced pleasantness because I know I can be comfortably personable. And when I am more comfortable, my random and far between sense of humor pops up? Shoot but how? I have to brainstorm this with another friend. Hmmm...yeah , you know. I'll hold off on signing up on these online dating sites for now.

Some say dating is fun? Is it? I have a hard time in new circles let alone on an even tighter and potentially romantic circle. I take a while to warm up. At work, I have a reason to interact with people - it's part of my job. Outside of that, outside of my friends and family , I really am shy.

Which is probably why I talk to myself in here. In way it's good because, no one gets to read it. :D

The word "flirt" flies below my vocabulary radar so imagine my surprise when a customer at work said to me in a nice way, " Stop flirting with me." Thank goodness it was all on the phone so he couldn't see my surprised look but I managed to to laugh and continue on with business.

I mean, I must've flirted unknowingly. Wait, I take that back, I did flirt in the past but it was all fake flirting. I wasn't remotely attracted to them but I find amusement in these men's reactions. But it doesn't come naturally for me. Gosh I suck at this. No wonder I don't have a boyfriend hahahaha :)

Saint Rafael, the Arch Angel - can you please pray for me? Can you please pray that I find that Nice Guy.

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